The Cotton Tree is a welcoming community that helps people to get leave to remain and rebuild their lives in the UK.

At the heart of our work is concern for the dignity and well-being of those who cannot safely return to their homes.

Ali Martin’s Story

"Being an asylum seeker was the hardest thing I have ever suffered in my life."

Ali Martin Sesay, a refugee from Sierra Leone, lost his sight at age three. He was an asylum seeker in the UK for three years, and in November 2022 was granted leave to remain.

He told us that he doesn’t have a problem with the word ‘blind’, which accurately describes his identity. He was sometimes known as ‘the blind fellow’ in Sierra Leone and thinks self-respect should have nothing to do with so-called normality.

Ali Martin had a successful career advocating for women and people with disabilities; for six years he held a presidential appointment. Throughout his life, Ali Martin has fought for independence and dignity, on behalf of others as well as himself.

  • Connectivity and travel

    We provide WiFi devices and Oyster top-ups to those who need them.

  • Leave to Remain

    We work with our members for as long as it takes to get a clear, evidence-based story. The vast majority are granted leave to remain.

  • Food vouchers

    Our members tell us that the food vouchers they receive from us are a lifeline.

“The team is hard-working to defend refugee rights and help them integrate into the new society and build their new successful life…

Cotton Tree Trust is proudly my family in the UK…

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

— A Cotton Tree asylum seeker

Our Work

  • The legal & casework branch

    Get legal advice to help you overcome legal obstacles once you are in the United Kingdom.

  • The heal & grow branch

    How can I keep my surprised feelings living? Read more to find out how we can help you heal and grow

  • Client stories

    Read the stories of our members.

How can I help?